edges Experiments and dirt and knives and brushes. “where even the shadows freeze” “bioprocessor” “this stitch in time saved nein” “just words, only embers, only embers” “sprite” “revealed of our own volition” “revealed on a day of our choosing” “there is no compromise here” “Rehetorical Injection” “layers of tangles” “sharpening” “the anxieties #3” “poker faced reception” “the mood of late #2” “abjected” “dawn” “nucleus of optimism” untitled hextych (1 of 6) untitled hextych (2 of 6) untitled hextych (3 of 6) untitled hextych (4 of 6) untitled hextych (5 of 6) untitled hextych (6 of 6) “dark corona” “turbulant irradiescents” “last”